we help you turn your expertise into scalable online education.

We Craft And Scale Online Courses To Elevate Education

We help turn your vision into an online course, walking you through every step of the process–from ideation, to production, to launching, followed by ongoing management and scaling. We’re highly specialized in the industry, having studied and graduated from COET – the leading institution in online education – and can help anyone in any industry turn their expertise into a scalable online course.

Online Education Is The Future

Gone are the days of traditional education. The future of online education is now

It gives professionals the opportunity to share their knowledge at an immense rate, allowing them to scale their impact and profit, spreading their expertise to anyone and everyone across the world.

But where do you begin? Creating and scaling an online course by yourself can feel like an impossible feat. That’s where we come in.

Our team at Halfwing Agency have thoroughly studied everything there is to know about the industry through advanced programs at the leading institution in online education – COET (Center for Online Education & Transition).

We are well-prepared to guide you through the entire process in creating an online course – from vision to creation to continuous management and scaling.

We work with you as partners every step of the way. Let’s talk.

Why Choose Halfwing Agency?

The Vision

We help you craft a vision to maximize your impact in education and learning.


We guide you in creating the materials and content to build the perfect foundation for your course.

Launch, Manage & Scale

We'll help formulate a launch strategy and provide continuous management and scaling.

Halfwing Agency

What We Do

We're not a marketing agency. We're your partners, dedicated to working hand-in-hand throughout the entire process.

Done WITH You

  • Craft the vision for your course

  • Create the course structure, curriculum, and materials

  • Plan market and offer strategy

  • Assist in setup for recording course modules

  • Formulate pre-launch and launch strategy

  • Setup and optimize social media profiles

  • Develop organic content strategy and schedule

  • Be there for every step of the way

Done FOR You

  • Build, setup, and maintain the backend of your course, including: modules, community, automations, and systems

  • Create and maintain profitable course landing page/sales funnel

  • Run ad campaigns and provide frequent reports on campaign performance

  • Collect and analyze ad campaign data to continue optimizing and scaling

  • Ongoing personalized and tailored consulting

  • Answer all your questions and concerns

Intelligent & Streamlined Processes

With our streamlined designed processes, we can go from vision to course launch in just 8 weeks – but we know that every course is different, so we tailor the timeline and workload to fit with your schedule as needed.

Book Your Free Call Today

We know how overwhelming and complicated it may sound to create an online course from start to finish – so let us ease your worry and hop on a call with us.

We’d love to break down the entire process for you and help you envision how, together, we can craft and scale your online course to elevate education.

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